World Congress for Existential Therapy

Next May will see a mustering of the different tribes of Existentially-informed psychotherapists for a historic gathering to discuss our different approaches and our future. the First World Congress for Existential Therapywill be taking place in London on the 14-17 May 2015 and feature a host of opportunities to teach and learn from our international colleagues. With this first World Congress we hope to open an international dialogue on how freedom, responsibility and meaning can inspire therapeutic excellence.

Confirmed speakers include: Kirk Schneider, Alfried Längle, Emmy van Deurzen, Irvin Yalom, Alice Holzhey-Kunz, Robert Stolorow, Mick Cooper, Rimantas Kociunas, Susanna Signorelli, Evgenia Georganda, Xuefu Wang, Luis Hoffmann, Betty Cannon, Dmitry Leontiev, Erik Craig.

The Congress will also feature experiential workshops and seminars given by colleagues from around the world. We are currently in the process of evaluating submissions for workshops and we encourage practitioners and students to continue to suggest ideas. We hope to see you all and hear your ideas next year. Book tickets at

Best wishes

The World Congress for Existential therapy Committee
